Advanced Manufacturing

Industrial Engineer

Home>Industrial Engineer

Occupation Overview


Job Preview


Education & Training

At A Glance: Industrial Engineer

Industrial engineers design, develop, test and evaluate integrated systems for managing industrial production processes. To develop production processes, industrial engineers consider all factors in the process - materials, quality controls, logistics, human workers, costs, equipment, work space, and other influences. Industrial engineers must be able to communicate about projects status with their managers and staff as well as clients and vendors. Their work requires the regular use of specialized software to produce plans and monitor projects. To become an industrial engineer requires a Bachelor's degree, several years of work-related experience, and on-the-job training. Industrial engineers earn an average of $41.84 an hour, and the need for them grows at a faster than average rate of 10% to 14% per year.

Entry Level Requirements


Bachelor's Degree

To become an industrial engineer requires a Bachelor's degree, work-related experience, and on-the-job training.
occupation details image

The job concentration is

10% Higher
than average for the manufacturing industry in the Tri-State area.

How much can I make?

Hourly Rate: $27 - $64/HR.

Job Details: Industrial Engineer

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Commonly Performed Tasks

Industrial engineers perform crucial tasks in the production process. Through careful analysis and calculation, industrial engineers design, implement, and manage the production process. Industrial engineers are responsible for coordinating the shop floor, ensuring equipment, materials, and workers follow processes to efficiently producing parts. As a result of their careful planning, companies are able to make parts and products in a cost-effective and timely manner to meet the demand of their customers.
  • Establish sequence of operations to fabricate and assemble parts or products and promote efficiency
  • Review schedules, specifications, and related data to learn manufacturing procedures and activities
  • Estimate costs, cost saving methods, and the effects of product design changes on expenditures
  • Use drafting tools to design the layout of equipment, materials, and workspaces
  • Coordinate and implement quality control objectives, activities, or procedures

Required Job Skills

Industrial engineers require specific skills, abilities, and knowledge to do their jobs effectively. They must be able to read and understand complex information, listen to others, and solve complex problems. They also must be able to think critically and write to communicate ideas and important information.
  • Identify, analyze, and solve complex problems
  • Comprehend complex informational text and visuals
  • Use mathematical calculations to solve problems
  • Knowledge of machines, tools, and materials
  • Effective oral and written communication

Education & Training Information

Programs and Opportunities

Robert Morris University
Program: Engineering - Industrial
Certification: Bachelor's Degree
Length: 4 Years

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